I first bought two of these holster years ago (for my Kahr P9/PM9 and P45/PM45) and after experiencing how wonderful they are for strong-side carry, I purchased both in Left-Hand so as to use them for middle-of-back carry. They work perfectly! I have just purchased another "set" (i.e., both RH & LH) for my Para USA LDA PDA 3" DAO 1911 (as well as for my Charter Arms Bulldog .44 Spl -- which isn't listed in the model choices, but just ordering for "Colt Detective Special" gets you the right size, which fits the Bulldog like a glove!). I have DOZENS of holsters, and this is by far the best, for 4 reasons: (1) Price (the fairest-priced "brand-name" holsters I've ever seen! but ssshhh . . . don't tell anyone -- lest they raise the prices!! LOL); (2)Incredible, precise custom-molded fit; (3) Reinforced top, which successfully holds the holster open for one-handed re-holstering; & (4)Incredibly-light weight and thin (but with NO sacrifice in strength!) construction (this last attribute is by far the most impressive -- how they achieved the mouth-reinforcement AND the strength of the overall holster without adding bulk is AMAZING -- NO other holster manufacturer I've come across has EVER achieved this without a significant addition of weight and thickness).

I now have complete "sets" (RH & LH) for Kahr P9/PM9, P40/PM40, P45/PM/45, S&W K-Frame, Charter Arms .44/Colt DS, & Para USA 3" 1911. But the REALLY amazing thing, is that I was able to assemble this set of A DOZEN holsters for LESS THAN $400 (which would only have purchased 2-4 holsters at other "brand-name" manufacturers!!). All in all: I'm a happy camper!!

Mark Lane, 04/29/2011
5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars
Sale $42.15
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